March 27th Waka Flacka Flame and TCB did the CFE. TCB opened the night like we always do mixing in some old with the new and just cranking. The night was hyped and everybody was partying and having a blast. Around 3 Waka arrived and walked thru the crowd to the stage to perform. He started his set with about 4 songs then asked "where TCB at, I wanna do some GoGo shit!". We hit the stage and started to hit "oh let's do it" TCB style. Waka rocked wit TCB for about 15 minutes doing his rap and riding out to the crowd yelling "waka flacka flame!" (video: http://www.qik.com/5728768/239c2d4c ) TCB closed the show that ended around 4:20am. All in all a great night. We did record and shoot video for this project so stay tuned for the TCB live featuring Waka. Shout out to Tay Beatz 1017, we working on the Icegrill remix. Thanks to everyone who came out and had a good time wit The BounceBeat Kingz and Waka! Whew Lawd!
Get Well POLO!